About me

Reiki, Rei, Rei-chan, Rere, and etc~ ^^
♥ Surabaya, Jawa timur, Indonesia
 ♥Position Band: Bassist
♥Graphic Design and Freelance Graphic Design
♥ email : reikiritsuma@ymial.com | aderismaerdiyanty@gmail.com

♥ interest:
fashion, hair style, music, film, japanese culture|entertainment|music|film|anime|cosplay|tokusatsu, cooking for my love, family, and my best friend~♥

♥ activities:

Sleep, work, eat, drawing, singing, traveling, and cooking

♥ figures:
My mom, family, Ruki (the GazettE), Aoi (the GazettE), Hyde, Tetsuya, Mizuki, Jun (Gotcharocka), Kyary pamyu pamyu, Mizuki (Sadie), etc~♥

♥ movies:
Death note, Last quarter, Moon Child, Kill bill, Transformer, Avenger, SAW, Tomb Rider, D.M.C, etc~♥

♥ music:
L'arc~en~Ciel, the GazettE, SID, Dog in the PWO, Sadie, Ayabie, Gotcharocka, Alice nine, Girugamesh, One Ok Rock, SuG, Spiv States, A7x, Metalica, Paramore, Evanescence, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, Do As Infinity, Acid Black Cherry, AKB48, SCANDAL, YUI, Versailles

♥ Food:

Sushi, Ramen, Rendang, Bakso kikil, Sop kaki sapi, etc~♥

♥ drink:

Mineral water, tea, softdrink, ice cream, lemon tea, milky shake, ice cappucino blend

♥ Color:
Pink, Gold, Black, and white

♥My boom (current Craze):
Play the game

All about spongebob and Rillakuma

♥Liked type:
Adult, & Like with children

♥Disliked type:
bad-tempered person

♥Wish to boys:

Do not lose sight of yourself

♥Strong point:
Genuine side

♥Weak point:
Genuine side

♥Favourite animal:

Dog (chihuahua), Cat, Hamster, & kappa (0.0)

Beri saya uang seribu, maka akan saya berikan pada orang yang membutuhkan! (Lahhh aneh kan? hwkwkw) xD

♥Previous Bands:
Baka Rock, Hippo

♥Bands Now:

Sacra, Pink Pumpkin